Planting Seeds of Appreciation with Maryland Plant Nursery

Let’s grow and flourish Maryland trees that preserve the delicate balance of our planet and breathe new life into the lungs of Earth.


Jesse Zhong, Founder

Evoking Sustainable Global Green Revolution within Maryland trees

The Maryland plant Nursery is a living classroom, offering hands-on learning experiences in plant life cycles, botany, nutrition, and environmental concepts. It’s not just about planting seeds; it’s about cultivating curiosity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. Our program transforms the outdoors into an interactive, green textbook.

Evoking the Green Potential by Planting Seeds of Knowledge

At Eco Horizons Maryland, you’ll do more than put a seed in the ground; you’ll make sure these Maryland trees survive for future generations. We believe that the key to a sustainable future lies in the hands of the younger generation. Maryland Plant Nursery is a unique initiative designed to educate children about the wonders of nature, instilling in them a profound appreciation for nature and its surrounding environment. The motive is to encourage social interaction among family, friends, and community members. It's an opportunity for teamwork, communication, and the building of relationships that extend beyond the boundaries of the garden.
about us

Why join the tree-planting bandwagon?

Nurtured Young Mind & Body

The idea of our planting & Gardening endeavor is not just about green thumbs; it's about active hands and healthy bodies. As children dig, plant, water, and harvest, we make sure they engage in physical tasks that promote fine motor skills, strength, and coordination.

Sowing Life Skills for the Future

We don't just teach sowing seeds but also lessons in responsibility, patience, and consistent effort. Once the children observe the growth process, they learn life skills that go beyond the garden fence. These skills will lay the foundation for a resilient and empowered future.

Community for a Eco-conscious living

You will not be part of organizations that plant trees but a community that is dedicated to implementing eco-conscious practices right in our own backyard. From reducing waste to adopting energy-efficient solutions, let's make even the smallest, local actions have a significant impact on our environment.

Branch out for change by giving donation for tree plantation

  • Your donation can nurture a connection between communities and nature. Your contribution isn’t just about trees; it’s about ecosystems, livelihoods, and the legacy we leave for generations to come. 
  • We make sure that your donation for tree plantation fuels a green revolution, where each dollar is a seed planted, growing into a forest of positive change. This is your opportunity to be part of something greater than ourselves, to be the change we wish to see.

Many of these new immigrant families are concentrated in under-funded school districts and facing with daily language barriers. They endured numerous challenges and lack the privilege to, for example, take vacations and explore the wonders of nature. As I combined my passion for the environment with my desire to empower these communities, I conceived a new initiative

Frequently Asked Questions

Eco Horizons Maryland Plant Nursery is an educational initiative dedicated to teaching people, including children, about the art and science of plant growing activities. Nestled in the heart of Maryland, we focus on hands-on experiences to cultivate a love for nature, environmental awareness, and sustainable practices.

Getting involved is easy! You can join our workshops, participate in community planting events, or even volunteer at our plant nursery. Stay tuned for upcoming programs and events on our website to actively engage in educational and fun plant growing activities.

Absolutely! We welcome donations for tree plantation initiatives in Maryland. Your contributions go directly towards fostering a green environment, supporting the growth of Maryland trees, and promoting sustainable practices. Contact us here for donation

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